“365: Repeat the Year” is a gripping South Korean drama that aired on MBC from March 23 to April 28, 2020. The series delves into the intriguing concept of time travel and its consequences. Here’s a concise storyline: Ji Hyung Joo (played by Lee Joon Hyuk), a detective in the violent crimes division, gets an unexpected chance to go back in time by one year. Initially thrilled to “reset” his life, he soon discovers that mysterious events start unfolding among the group of people who also traveled back in time. As their fates twist and intertwine, Ji Hyung Joo embarks on a quest for truth. Shin Ga Hyun (played by Nam Ji Hyun), a webcomic writer, is part of this enigmatic group. Together, they unravel secrets, face unforeseen challenges, and grapple with the consequences of altering their destinies. The drama masterfully combines suspense, mystery, and human connections. Lee Joon Hyuk’s portrayal of Ji Hyung Joo and the chemistry between the lead actors make this a compelling watch. Prepare for a rollercoaster ride as the characters confront their pasts and navigate the complexities of time travel! 🕰️🔍🌟
Total Episodes:- 20 | Running Episodes:- Complete