Queen Of Tears Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Episode 11-12 Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Queen of Tears (2024)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Netflix
📂 Genre: Comedy
📂 Resolution : 720p



Baek Hyun-woo (played by Kim Soo-hyun), hailing from the humble village of Yongdu-ri, is the legal director of the conglomerate Queens Group. His life takes an unexpected turn when he marries Hong Hae-in (Kim Ji-won), the heiress of Queens Department Store. Their union forms a bridge between rural roots and high society. The drama unfolds over three years of their marriage, navigating the dizzying crisis and miraculous rekindling of love. Baek Hyun-woo, a Seoul National University graduate, balances his rural upbringing with corporate responsibilities. Meanwhile, Hong Hae-in, the third-generation chaebol, juggles her role as the CEO of Queens Department Store. As their marriage faces challenges, secrets, and unexpected twists, the couple’s resilience and commitment are put to the test. Alongside them are intriguing characters like Yoon Eun-sung (Park Sung-hoon), a former Wall Street analyst, and Hong Soo-cheol (Kwak Dong-yeon), Hae-in’s younger brother and CEO of Queens Mart.

Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- 12

Note: More Episodes of Queen of Tears  Will be added Weekly

1 comment

  1. thanks, upload more keep doing great work
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