“Black Knight” is a 2023 South Korean streaming television series written and directed by Cho Ui-seok. The drama stars Kim Woo-bin, Song Seung-heon, Kang Yoo-seok, and Esom. Based on the webtoon of the same title by Lee Yun-kyun, it unfolds in a dystopian future where extensive air pollution plagues the world. After a comet devastates most of the planet, survivors rely on oxygen tanks and masks delivered by an elite group of delivery drivers known as the Knights. The story revolves around: ‘5-8’ (Kim Woo-bin): A legendary delivery driver with the number 5-8. His mysterious past and exceptional skills make him a central figure in the fight for survival. Ryu Seok (Song Seung-heon): The wealthy heir to the Cheonmyeong Group, who controls oxygen sales. His power and influence clash with the Knights’ mission. Yoon Sa-wol (Kang Yoo-seok): A refugee boy who idolizes ‘5-8’ and aspires to become one of the Knights. Jeong Seol-ah (Esom): A military intelligence officer and Sa-wol’s older adoptive sister.
Total Episodes:- 06 | Running Episodes:- Complete