“Gyeongseong Creature” is a South Korean horror/thriller historical drama streaming television series that premiered on Netflix on December 22, 2023. Set in 1945, during the occupation of Gyeongseong (the old name for Seoul) by the Imperial Japanese Army, the story unfolds against a backdrop of brutality inflicted on civilians by the Japanese forces. Here’s a glimpse into the gripping storyline: In the spring of 1945 in Gyeongseong: Jang Tae-sang (played by Park Seo-joon), the master of the city’s most lucrative pawnshop, and Yoon Chae-ok (played by Han So-hee), a tracker searching for her missing mother, confront a strange creature. This creature is born from secret biological experiments conducted within Ongseong Hospital. As they delve into the dark corridors of the hospital, they uncover secrets, face danger, and grapple with the consequences of human greed. The drama weaves together elements of investigation, survival, and a chilling monster that defies explanation. Prepare for a thrilling ride through history, where the line between humanity and horror blurs! 🕯️🔍🌟
Total Episodes:- 10 | Running Episodes:- Complete