Bad Papa Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Bad Papa (2018)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: MXPlayer
📂 Genre: Romance
📂 Resolution : 720p



Yoo Ji Cheol, a once-unbeatable champion boxer, faces a heart-wrenching downfall. He loses not only his fame and hard-earned money but also his family. Determined to reclaim control over his life, Ji Cheol makes a difficult choice: he becomes a “bad” person to be a better father. His path to redemption leads him to the world of mixed martial arts, where he fights not only for himself but also for the family he los.

Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete

Its 32 episodes have been combined into 16 episodes.

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