Plot Summary: In this captivating melodrama, we follow the transformation of Sa Geum-ran, an overweight and kind-hearted woman who endures mistreatment from her well-to-do family due to her unattractive appearance. Her husband, Lee Kang-joon, has been absent for seven years, pursuing business ventures in the United States. When Kang-joon returns home, Geum-ran discovers his secret affair with the sophisticated broadcast announcer, Gyo Chae-yeon. Heartbroken and betrayed, Geum-ran seeks revenge. Desperate for change, she approaches Han Tae-hee, a plastic surgeon from an extreme-makeover television show. Tae-hee reluctantly agrees to transform her, driven by his own hidden motives. After weight loss and surgery, Geum-ran emerges as a stunningly beautiful woman, now calling herself Sara. Armed with her new appearance and a coarse ajumma personality, she plots to ruin Kang-joon and Chae-yeon’s upcoming wedding. However, as Sara interacts with Kang-joon during their staged encounters, old feelings resurface. Instead of vengeance, she yearns to reclaim her husband. But secrets and conspiracies unfold, revealing a dangerous game of power and betrayal. Will Sara’s beauty be her ultimate weapon or her downfall?
Total Episodes:- 21 | Running Episodes:- Complete