Come and Hug Me Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Come and Hug Me (2018)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Netflix
📂 Genre: Thriller
📂 Resolution : 720p



In their childhood, Yoon Na-moo and Gil Nak-won were each other’s first loves. However, their innocent connection is severed when Na-moo’s father, Yoon Hee-jae, a psychopathic serial killer, brutally murders Nak-won’s parents. The trauma leaves indelible scars on both their hearts. Fast forward nine years: Na-moo, now known as Chae Do-jin, is a passionate and kind rookie detective, determined to atone for his father’s heinous crimes. Meanwhile, Nak-won has transformed into Han Jae-yi, an aspiring actress who battles panic disorder stemming from her traumatic past. Despite the odds, these two souls, bound by a tragic fate, find themselves drawn together once more. Their shared memories of love and loss persist, but they must navigate the stigma and hardships that fate throws their way.

Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete

Its 32 episodes have been combined into 16 episodes.

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