Dream Change Laundromat (2017) is a Korean drama that weaves a captivating tale of love, magic, and forgotten memories. Set in a whimsical laundromat operated by a witch-crafted woman, the story unfolds with intrigue and emotion. Fei, the enigmatic proprietor, possesses the extraordinary ability to erase a person’s memories. Even when a sorrowful couple, Yong Yi and Hye Na, have their recollections wiped clean, the indelible feelings remain. Their love persists, defying the erasure of their past. Like delicate petals falling from a flower, this fantasy romance blooms in the most unexpected of places. In this enchanting miniseries, expect twists, turns, and a battle against fate as characters grapple with amnesia, destiny, and the enduring power of love. The laundromat becomes a backdrop for secrets, hidden desires, and the fragile threads that connect hearts.
Total Episodes:- 10 | Running Episodes:- Complete
Its 10 episodes have been combined into 4 episodes.