Emergency Couple Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Emergency Couple (2014)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: MXPlayer
📂 Genre: Medical
📂 Resolution : 720p



Jin Hee, a talented dietitian, led a fulfilling life until she crossed paths with Chang Min, a medical student. Despite their love, Chang Min’s affluent family disapproved of their union, but they married anyway. However, life took a bitter turn when Chang Min transitioned into a pharmaceutical salesman, straining their relationship further. The disapproval from his family exacerbated their troubles, ultimately leading to a painful divorce. Years later, fate intervened. Jin Hee pursued a medical career and became an intern, while Chang Min completed medical school and also started working as an intern. Their paths converged once again, this time in the chaotic emergency room of a hospital. Forced to work side by side, they grappled with their past, unresolved feelings, and the lingering antipathy between them.

Total Episodes:- 21 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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