Heart Surgeons Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Heart Surgeons (2018)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: AmazonminiTV
📂 Genre: Medical
📂 Resolution : 720p



In the bustling thoracic surgery department of a hospital, three lives intertwine: Park Tae Soo (played by Go Soo): A dedicated thoracic surgery fellow, Tae Soo’s world revolves around his mother, who desperately awaits a heart transplant. His unwavering commitment to patients is put to the test when personal stakes are high. Choi Suk Han (portrayed by Uhm Ki Joon): A brilliant thoracic surgeon, Choi Seok Han’s skills are unmatched. However, his humble background from a local university has left him unfairly treated. Driven by ambition, he seeks power and influence to challenge the system. Yoon Soo Yeon (played by Seo Ji Hye): A mysterious woman who once faced death, she defies fate by becoming a resident in the thoracic surgery department. Her miraculous recovery fuels her determination to save lives.

Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete

Its 32 episodes have been combined into 16 episodes.

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