In the heartwarming South Korean television series “I’m Not a Robot”, we delve into the extraordinary life of Kim Min-kyu (portrayed by Yoo Seung-ho). Min-kyu is a wealthy businessman who, despite his affluence, lives a solitary existence due to an unusual allergy: he reacts severely to physical contact with other human beings. His skin erupts in life-threatening rashes whenever he touches someone. Enter Jo Ji-ah (played by Chae Soo-bin), a resourceful young woman with a penchant for inventing. Ji-ah finds herself embroiled in a peculiar situation when she is asked to pose as an advanced humanoid AI robot, known as Aji 3. The real Aji 3 has suffered damage, and Ji-ah steps into the role temporarily while the repairs are underway. Min-kyu, the chairman and largest shareholder of KM Financial, becomes the unwitting recipient of this robot impersonation. As Ji-ah masquerades as Aji 3, Min-kyu’s world undergoes a transformation. He begins to fall for the charming “robot,” believing her to be the genuine Aji 3. However, the emotional turmoil he experiences is unsettling—after all, she is merely a machine to him.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete
Its 32 episodes have been combined into 16 episodes.