“Just Between Lovers” Rain or Shine is a South Korean television drama that aired from December 11, 2017, to January 30, 2018. The series revolves around a major accident that claims the lives of 48 people. The survivors, those who lost loved ones, and those connected to the parties blamed for the tragedy are forever marked by the event. At the center of the story are two characters: Lee Gang Doo and Ha Moon Soo. When he was 15, Gang Doo dreamt of playing for the Korean national soccer team, but a serious injury shattered those dreams. Now, he battles physical and emotional pain while supporting his sister and repaying a hefty debt. Moon Soo, who also survived the accident, lives above her mother’s women’s bathhouse. She specializes in creating architectural models for building planning processes. Years later, a construction project is set to begin at the accident site, triggering painful memories for Gang Doo, Moon Soo, and others connected to the tragedy. As their paths intersect, they help each other face their trauma and find new reasons to live and embrace the future.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete