My Golden Life Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: My Golden Life (2017)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Netflix
📂 Genre: Drama
📂 Resolution : 720p



My Golden Life is a 2017–18 South Korean television series that revolves around the intertwined lives of two individuals: Seo Ji-an and Choi Do-kyung. Here’s a succinct storyline: Twenty-five years ago, the prestigious Haesung Group lost their beloved granddaughter, Choi Eun Seok. The girl was discovered and raised by Seo Tae Soo as one of his twin daughters, Seo Ji Ahn and Seo Ji Soo. Despite their affluent upbringing, their father’s bankruptcy thrust them into the harsh realities of life. Seo Ji-an, once the epitome of a “girl crush,” now finds herself on a probationary two-year contract with the marketing team at Haeseong Group. Her dreams of becoming a full-time employee are shattered when a friend with wealth and connections intervenes. Little does she know that she is not the long-lost daughter, Choi Eun-seok, but rather her “former twin” sister, Seo Ji-soo. When this secret unravels, Seo Ji-an faces misery and even contemplates suicide. However, her friend rescues her, breathing new life into her shattered existence. As the story unfolds, Seo Ji-an grapples with her identity and seeks happiness amidst the complexities of her relationships. Meanwhile, Choi Do-kyung, the heir to Haeseong Group, navigates his own path to contentment

Total Episodes:- 52 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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