Set during the reign of the infamous tyrant King Yeonsangun, the series follows the life of Hong Gil Dong, a remarkable figure who defied the oppressive norms of Joseon society. Born as the second son of a servant named Ah Mo Gae, Gil Dong possesses extraordinary strength and resilience. His moniker, the Mighty Child, echoes through the streets as he robs from the wealthy to aid the impoverished. As the tyrannical Crown Prince Yi Yung ascends to power, now known as Yeonsangun, he tightens his grip on the common people. Amidst this turmoil, Gil Dong’s path intersects with the enigmatic concubine Gong-hwa, later renamed Jang Nok-su. She harbors a secret—a love that transcends her royal status.
Total Episodes:- 30 | Running Episodes:- Complete
Its 30 episodes have been expiend into 60 episodes.