“School 2017” is a South Korean television series that aired on KBS2 from July 17 to September 5, 2017. The series is a coming-of-age tale that follows a class of high school students as they navigate the challenges and pressures of teenage life in a high-stakes, corrupt educational system. The central character is Ra Eun-ho, a cheerful and kind-hearted 18-year-old who dreams of becoming a webtoon artist. However, her aspirations are jeopardized when she is mistakenly accused of being ‘Student X’, a mysterious troublemaker causing havoc in the school. Alongside her is Hyun Tae-woon, the son of the school’s director, who harbors deep scars from his past. Despite his aloof and rebellious demeanor, he secretly carries out pranks as ‘Student X’. As he gets to know Ra Eun-ho, his perspective on life begins to change. Together with their fellow students, they decide to stand up against the corrupt school system and strive for change. This series realistically portrays the various troubles that high school students can face, making it a must-watch for those who enjoy teen dramas.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete