Summer Love (2015) is a delightful web drama that unfolds in just two episodes. The story revolves around Yoona and Minho, who share a long-standing friendship and have been secretly “talking” for quite some time. Their connection takes center stage as the drama seamlessly weaves a sweet love story into the narrative, all while subtly promoting the company’s latest product, the “Long Way Cushion.” Set against the backdrop of a scorching summer, the drama introduces us to a group of young individuals from diverse educational backgrounds. Fate brings them together by the sea, where they grapple with complex emotions and bottled-up feelings. As the sun beats down and waves crash against the shore, their lives intersect, leaving an indelible mark on each other. “Summer Love” captures the essence of fleeting moments, the warmth of companionship, and the allure of romance—all within a concise and engaging storyline. Whether you’re a fan of Lee Min Ho or Yoona, this drama promises a brief but captivating escape into the world of love and friendship. 🌞❤️🌊
Total Episodes:- 2 | Running Episodes:- Complete