“Sweet Revenge” is a captivating Korean drama that aired in 2017. The story revolves around Ho Goo Hee, a high schooler who has spent her teen years being picked on. Her full name, when pronounced, sounds like the word for “loser,” HoGu, adding to her woes. Coming from a poor family, she also has to help out at their chicken shop. To make matters worse, her boyfriend just broke up with her, and the infamous “Zombie Club” bullies are not giving her any respite. One day, Ho Goo Hee stumbles upon a seemingly magical “Revenge Note” app on her phone. This application promises to enact revenge on anyone whose name is written on it. Tired of the constant bullying, she decides it’s time for a little payback. However, her sweet revenge soon turns sour, leading to unexpected twists and turns.
Total Episodes:- 22 | Running Episodes:- Complete
Its 22 episodes have been combined into 11 episodes.