The story revolves around Oh Ji Na, a teenage girl who stumbles upon a mysterious note. This note grants her the power to take revenge on others by merely typing their names. But there’s a twist: the revenge involves two handsome brothers, Robin and Jae Yi, who happen to be her neighbors and close friends. Oh Ji Na finds herself caught in a love triangle with these intriguing siblings. Robin, the rebellious teen, and Jae Yi, the model student, harbor a secret that no one else knows. Meanwhile, Oh Ji Na’s younger sister, Oh Sa Na, also falls for the brothers at first sight. As the drama unfolds, we witness the struggles faced by these young characters. Bullying, fake identities, and even plastic surgery come into play. Amidst the light-hearted moments, deeper issues emerge, making the show both heartwarming and thought-provoking. Through their trials and character development, the protagonists learn valuable life lessons. And amidst it all, Oh Ji Na embarks on a journey to discover her true love.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete