“The Emperor: Owner of the Mask” is a gripping historical drama set in the Joseon Dynasty, revolving around the Crown Prince Yi Sun’s battle against the corrupt and powerful Pyunsoo Group. The group holds the kingdom’s water supply hostage, exerting control over the government. The king, to protect his son from this malevolent society, conceals the prince’s identity with a mask and raises him in secrecy. As the prince matures, he ventures into the town incognito to understand the reason behind his lifelong disguise. His journey leads him to the scholar Master Woo Bo, the only person aware of the truth behind the mask. The prince’s path crosses with Han Ga-eun, the daughter of a high-ranking official, and a commoner sharing his name, Yi Sun. These friendships deepen as they navigate the treacherous waters of court politics. Tragedy strikes when the Pyunsoo Group assassinates the king, but the prince escapes, determined to reclaim his rightful throne.
Total Episodes:- 40 | Running Episodes:- Complete
Its 40 episodes have been combined into 20 episodes.