The Package Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: The Package (2017)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Disney+Hotstar
📂 Genre: Comedy
📂 Resolution : 720p



“The Package” (더 패키지) is a 2017 South Korean television drama that weaves together the lives of a diverse group of travelers on a package tour in France. Here’s a concise storyline: Yoon So-so (played by Lee Yeon-hee) works as a travel guide in France. She leads a group of tourists on a package tour, each with their own unique stories: San Ma-roo (played by Jung Yong-hwa): He joins the tour after being dumped by his girlfriend. Kim Gyung-jae (played by Choi Woo-shik): An office worker who has been dating his girlfriend for the past 7 years. Han So-ran (played by Ha Shi-eun): Gyung-jae’s girlfriend, a web designer contemplating between dating and marriage. Jung Yeon-sung (played by Ryu Seung-soo): A man whose relationship with his partner remains a mystery. Jung Na-hyun (played by Park Yoo-na): Yeon-sung’s daughter, whose age is a puzzle. Oh Gab-soo (played by Jung Kyoo-soo): An extremely stubborn old man. Han Book-ja (played by Lee Ji-hyun): Gab-soo’s wife, who dedicated her life to caring for her husband until she fell ill. Yoon Soo-soo (played by Yoon Park): So-so’s younger brother, who follows her closely. As they travel together, these seemingly unrelated individuals become entangled in each other’s lives, forming unexpected connections and relationships. The drama beautifully explores love, friendship, and personal growth against the picturesque backdrop of Paris and the French countryside.

Total Episodes:- 12 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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