“Angel’s Last Mission: Love” is a captivating Korean drama that weaves a tale of love and destiny. The story revolves around Lee Yeon-seo, a talented ballerina whose life takes a tragic turn when an accident leaves her blind. Embittered by her fate, she becomes hostile towards those around her, including her staff and the conniving members of her family’s ballet company. Enter Dan, an optimistic and carefree angel with a final mission: to find true love for Yeon-seo and thus earn his return to heaven. Despite the seemingly impossible task given Yeon-seo’s cold demeanor, Dan approaches it with a determination that is as endearing as it is unwavering. As Dan and Yeon-seo’s paths intertwine, their journey is filled with emotional highs and lows. Dan’s presence begins to thaw Yeon-seo’s icy exterior, revealing a vulnerability and a capacity for love that she had long denied. Meanwhile, Dan finds himself grappling with unforeseen emotions, as his professional commitment to his mission becomes a personal one. He falls for Yeon-seo, complicating his celestial duties and challenging the very rules of heaven.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete