“Doctor Detective” is a gripping 2019 South Korean drama that delves into the unseen world of industrial health. The series follows the tenacious Dr. Do Joong-Eun, an industrial health doctor with a keen sense for justice. She teams up with the astute Doctor Heo Min-Ki to unravel the mysteries behind industrial accidents and diseases that plague workers at various industrial sites. Together, they confront the daunting task of exposing the concealed truths that the powerful TL Group strives to bury. As they dig deeper, they encounter a web of deceit and corruption that extends far beyond the factory floors. Dr. Joong-Eun’s unwavering dedication to her profession and the well-being of the workers propels her forward, even as she faces personal and professional obstacles. With each case, they shed light on the harsh realities faced by laborers and challenge the status quo, advocating for a safer work environment. The drama not only provides a thrilling narrative but also pays homage to real-life occupational hazard events, making it a poignant and socially relevant series. “Doctor Detective” is a testament to the resilience of those fighting for truth and justice in a world where corporate interests often overshadow the rights of the individual worker.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete