Doctor John Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Doctor John (2019)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Netflix
📂 Genre: Mystery
📂 Resolution : 720p



“Doctor John” is a gripping medical drama that delves into the ethical quandaries of modern medicine. The series follows the brilliant anesthesiologist Cha Yo-han, portrayed by Ji Sung, who is renowned for his swift diagnosis, earning him the nickname “Ten Seconds.” His return to the hospital after a three-year incarceration for performing euthanasia on a terminally ill patient without consent sets the stage for a story that explores the fine line between life and death. Kang Shi-young, played by Lee Se-young, is a second-year resident with a warm heart and a keen ear for her patients’ needs. Her path crosses with Cha Yo-han’s in a twist of fate that sees her grappling with her own past traumas and the complexities of patient care under Yo-han’s guidance. As they encounter patients with enigmatic pains, the duo embarks on a mission to unravel the mysteries behind their suffering. Their journey is fraught with moral dilemmas, as they must decide whether prolonging a life is always the right choice. The drama is a thought-provoking narrative that challenges viewers to consider the value of life and the responsibilities of those who hold it in their hands.

Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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