“Hot Stove League” is a captivating sports drama that takes viewers into the heart of professional baseball’s underdog story. The series centers around the Dreams, a baseball team that has consistently found itself at the bottom of the league standings. The arrival of Baek Seung-soo, played by Namkoong Min, as the new general manager marks the beginning of a challenging yet thrilling journey to revive the team’s fortunes. Seung-soo, despite having no prior experience in managing a baseball team, brings with him a history of leading various sports teams to championships. His unconventional methods and strategic insights begin to transform the team’s culture and performance. Alongside him is Lee Se-young, portrayed by Park Eun-bin, the team’s operations manager and a fervent supporter of the Dreams, who never loses hope despite the team’s struggles.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete