“Hotel del Luna,” a 2019 South Korean drama, unfolds the enigmatic tale of an unusual hotel that serves as a sanctuary for spirits. The hotel, invisible during the day, becomes a haven for ghosts with unresolved earthly affairs at night. The story centers around Jang Man-wol, the hotel’s cursed owner, bound to the establishment for over a millennium due to a grave sin she can no longer recall. Her fate intertwines with Gu Chan-sung, a pragmatic and conscientious young man, who becomes the hotel’s latest human manager through a twist of destiny and a deal made by his father two decades prior. As the narrative progresses, the hotel’s guests, each a ghost with their own poignant stories, find solace and closure within its walls. Meanwhile, Chan-sung, with his rational approach and tender heart, helps unravel the mysteries shrouding the hotel and its proprietor. The drama weaves a rich tapestry of romance, dark fantasy, and comedy, as it explores themes of redemption, fate, and the intricacies of the human soul.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete