Kingdom Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Kingdom (2019)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Netflix
📂 Genre: Thriller
📂 Resolution : 720p



“Kingdom” is a riveting South Korean series that merges the historical drama of the Joseon Dynasty with the chilling thrills of a zombie apocalypse. The story unfolds with Crown Prince Lee Chang, played by Ju Ji-hoon, embarking on a perilous quest to investigate a mysterious epidemic that has taken hold of the king and is spreading across the nation. Amidst the political turmoil and the threat of the undead, Lee Chang must navigate treacherous waters to uncover the truth and save his people. The narrative is rich with intrigue as it weaves together the prince’s struggle for survival and rightful claim to the throne, all while battling a horde of zombies that threaten to consume everything in their path. The show’s blend of suspense, horror, and royal politics makes for a compelling watch that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Total Episodes:- 6 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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