“Legal High” (2019) is a South Korean legal drama that spins a tale of contrasts and convictions. The series introduces Go Tae-Rim, an unapologetically arrogant lawyer with a flawless track record of courtroom victories. His belief in winning at all costs is matched only by his exorbitant fees. Enter Seo Jae-In, a passionate rookie attorney with a strong sense of justice, determined to represent the underdog. Despite their differing ideologies, they join forces in a bid to tackle the most challenging cases. The drama is a rollercoaster of wit and legal prowess, showcasing the duo’s dynamic as they navigate the murky waters of the legal system. Tae-Rim’s sharp intellect and Jae-In’s unwavering dedication create a formidable team that challenges the elite while grappling with ethical dilemmas.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete