“Love as You Taste” is a heartwarming South Korean web drama that serves up a delicious blend of romance and gastronomy. The series follows the lives of vivacious university students who form the “Cooking Club for Better Taste,” a club dedicated to the love of culinary arts. Each member’s favorite dishes become a metaphor for their personal love stories and emotional appetites. The protagonist, Hong Cho Ee, is a club member with a seemingly perfect boyfriend. However, as their relationship unfolds, she discovers that love, much like cooking, requires more than just following a recipe. The drama is a smorgasbord of emotions, capturing the sweet, the bitter, and the spicy moments of young love. As the characters whip up their signature dishes, they also navigate the complexities of relationships, from the first flutter of attraction to the pangs of heartbreak.
Total Episodes:- 10 | Running Episodes:- Complete