Mysterious Nurse, a 2018 Korean web series, blends fantasy and romance. The story centers on Hyun-Woo, a disgraced psychiatrist struggling to rebuild his career. Enter Soo-Ah, a mysterious new nurse with an uncanny ability. After a corneal transplant, Soo-Ah sees a dark shadow hovering over those destined to die. Their paths collide when Soo-Ah starts working at Hyun-Woo's clinic. Despite initial skepticism, Hyun-Woo becomes intrigued by Soo-Ah's visions. Together, they use her ability to try and prevent deaths, forming an unlikely bond. As they navigate their unique connection, Hyun-Woo confronts his past mistakes, while Soo-Ah grapples with the burden of her gift. Can they unravel the mystery behind her visions and find love amidst the shadows of fate?
Total Episodes:- 6 | Running Episodes:- Complete