Sketch Korean Drama in Hindi Dubbed – Complete All Episodes Added – Kdramahd


📂 Korean Drama: Sketch (2018)
📂 Language:Hindi-Dubbed
📂 OTT: Disney+Hotstar
📂 Genre: Action
📂 Resolution : 720p



Detective Kang Dong-soo, a skilled investigator with a sharp mind, is thrown into turmoil when his fiancée is murdered. Haunted by grief and a burning desire for revenge, he stumbles upon a hidden talent possessed by Detective Yoo Shi-hyun, his new partner. Shi-hyun has the extraordinary ability to glimpse flashes of the future through detailed sketches. Together, this unlikely duo forms a powerful team. Dong-soo's detective instincts and Shi-hyun's premonitions become a weapon against crime. They race against time to decipher Shi-hyun's visions and prevent tragedies from unfolding. However, their pursuit of justice is complicated by a mysterious killer with a dark agenda. This vengeful individual, fueled by their own tragic past, becomes a chilling adversary in their fight for a better tomorrow. As Dong-soo and Shi-hyun delve deeper into the web of crime, they discover a tangled web of secrets and hidden motives. The line between fate and free will blurs, forcing them to question how much of the future can be truly changed. With every life they save, they face a heart-wrenching decision: can they alter the course of destiny, or are some tragedies simply inevitable?

Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete

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