“Spring Turns to Spring” is a refreshing and humorous take on life’s unexpected turns. The drama centers around two women from vastly different walks of life: Kim Bo-mi, an ambitious news anchor who lives for her career, and Lee Bom, a former actress and devoted housewife. Their worlds collide when a mysterious incident causes them to switch bodies. As they navigate their new realities, Bo-mi and Bom learn to empathize with each other’s struggles and dreams. The body-swap brings comedy and chaos, but also the opportunity for personal growth and understanding. The drama deftly balances humor with heartfelt moments, exploring themes of identity, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness. With each episode, Bo-mi and Bom inch closer to unraveling the secret behind their situation, all while juggling work, family, and unexpected romance. “Spring Turns to Spring” is a delightful story that encourages viewers to find joy in life’s surprises and to cherish the essence of who they truly are.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete