“The Wind Blows” is a heart-wrenching drama that delves into the complexities of love and the challenges of life’s unforeseen circumstances. The story centers on Kwon Do-hoon, a man who is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease shortly after his marriage to Lee Soo-jin. In a selfless act to spare her the pain of his inevitable decline, Do-hoon divorces Soo-jin without revealing his condition. Years later, fate brings them back together, and they must navigate the turbulent emotions of their past love while grappling with Do-hoon’s progressing illness. The drama poignantly portrays the couple’s struggle to reconcile their feelings and the choices they’ve made in the face of adversity. It’s a narrative that explores themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the enduring power of love. “The Wind Blows” offers viewers a moving experience, filled with moments of tenderness and the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming life’s trials.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete