“Welcome 2 Life” is a fantasy legal drama that presents a gripping tale of second chances. The story revolves around Lee Jae-sang, a selfish lawyer who excels at finding loopholes for his morally dubious clients. His life takes an unexpected turn when an accident transports him to a parallel world where he is an upright prosecutor. In this alternate reality, Jae-sang is married to Ra Shi-on, a detective he had previously betrayed. As he navigates this new life, he is confronted with the consequences of his past actions and begins to question his ethical choices. The drama skillfully combines elements of romance, comedy, and suspense, as Jae-sang works to solve cases and mend the relationships he once took for granted. “Welcome 2 Life” offers viewers a thought-provoking journey through the “what-ifs” of life, exploring themes of justice, redemption, and the transformative power of love.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete