In the gripping Korean drama “Flower of Evil,” Baek Hee-sung appears to be the perfect husband and father, living a seemingly idyllic life with his wife, Cha Ji-won, and their young daughter. However, beneath this facade lies a dark secret. Hee-sung is actually Do Hyun-soo, a man with a troubled past and a hidden identity. As a skilled craftsman, he has meticulously constructed a new life, but his past begins to unravel when Ji-won, a dedicated homicide detective, starts investigating a series of unsolved murders from 15 years ago. The tension escalates as Ji-won gets closer to the truth, unaware that the man she loves is at the center of her investigation. As Hee-sung’s carefully maintained mask begins to slip, he must navigate a web of lies and deceit to protect his family and his secret. The drama masterfully blends elements of crime, mystery, and romance, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats as they watch the characters grapple with their inner demons and the consequences of their actions.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete