“Good Casting” is a thrilling action-comedy Korean drama that follows the lives of three former National Intelligence Service (NIS) agents who are unexpectedly called back into action. Baek Chan-mi, once a legendary black ops agent, now works in cybersecurity after a mission gone wrong. Hwang Mi-soon, who left the field to become a full-time homemaker, and Lim Ye-eun, a smart single mom and desk agent, also join the team. The trio is tasked with going undercover to investigate corruption and intellectual property theft at Korea’s largest conglomerate. As they navigate their new roles, they face numerous challenges, including balancing their personal lives with their dangerous mission. The drama showcases their growth, camaraderie, and resilience as they uncover secrets and confront their pasts. With a mix of humor, action, and heartfelt moments, “Good Casting” highlights the strength and determination of these women as they prove their worth in a male-dominated field.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete