“Goodbye Earth” (2024) is a gripping South Korean apocalyptic drama that unfolds in the final 200 days before an asteroid is set to collide with Earth. The story centers on Jin Se-Kyung, a dedicated middle-school teacher in Woongchun City, who quits her job to volunteer at the city hall’s child and youth division after learning about the impending disaster. Her long-time boyfriend, Ha Yun-Sang, a researcher in the United States, returns to South Korea to be with her. As society crumbles under the weight of the approaching catastrophe, they are joined by Woo Sung-Jae, an assistant priest who steps up to lead his parish after the head priest abandons them, and Kang In-A, a commander of a combat support battalion providing security and supplies in the chaos. Together, they navigate a world descending into despair, facing challenges such as human trafficking, crime rings, and a corrupt elitist group exploiting the crisis for their gain. Amidst the turmoil, their resilience and determination to protect the vulnerable shine through, offering a glimmer of hope.
Total Episodes:- 12 | Running Episodes:- Complete