“Hierarchy” (2024) is a compelling South Korean teen drama set in the prestigious Jooshin High School, a place where only the elite, chosen at birth, can attend. The story revolves around Jung Jae-i, the eldest daughter of the Jaeyul Group, who reigns as the queen of the school. Her life takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of Kang Ha, a transfer student with a secretive past and a disarming smile. As Kang Ha integrates into the school, his presence begins to unravel the rigid social structure, exposing hidden rivalries and alliances. Alongside them are Kim Ri-an, the top student and heir to the Jooshin Group, Yoon He-ra, the youngest daughter of a leading trading company, and Lee Woo-jin, the son of a powerful political family. The drama intensifies when a mysterious death occurs, prompting Kang Ha to investigate, driven by personal motives. As secrets are unveiled and power dynamics shift, the students are forced to confront their true selves and the corrupt foundations of their privileged lives. “Hierarchy” masterfully blends elements of mystery, romance, and social commentary, offering a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Total Episodes:- 7 | Running Episodes:- Complete