“Itaewon Class” is a captivating Korean drama that follows the journey of Park Sae-ro-yi, a determined young man who seeks justice and revenge after his father’s tragic death. Sae-ro-yi’s life takes a drastic turn when he is expelled from school for standing up to a bully, Jang Geun-won, the son of a powerful conglomerate owner, Jang Dae-hee. Following a series of unfortunate events, including his father’s death caused by Geun-won’s reckless driving, Sae-ro-yi ends up in prison. Upon his release, he opens a bar-restaurant named DanBam in the vibrant neighborhood of Itaewon, with the goal of expanding it into a successful franchise and taking down Jangga Group, the company owned by Dae-hee. Along the way, Sae-ro-yi is joined by a diverse group of friends and employees, including the intelligent and socially influential Jo Yi-seo, who becomes the manager of DanBam. Together, they face numerous challenges and obstacles, both personal and professional, as they strive to achieve their dreams and seek retribution.
Total Episodes:- 16 | Running Episodes:- Complete