“Numbers” (2023) is a riveting South Korean drama that delves into the world of accounting and corporate intrigue. The story centers on Jang Ho-woo, a brilliant young man who, despite lacking a college degree, secures a position at Taeil Accounting Firm, one of the top firms in the country. Ho-woo’s exceptional numerical skills and keen sense of justice set him apart as he navigates the complex and often corrupt environment of the firm. Adopted by a construction worker, Ho-woo’s life takes a dramatic turn when a financial scandal devastates his family’s restaurant, fueling his determination to uncover and fight against the injustices within the corporate world. Alongside Han Seung-jo, a senior manager with a privileged background, Ho-woo uncovers layers of corruption and deceit that threaten to destroy the lives of many. As they work together, their contrasting backgrounds and shared goals create a dynamic partnership that drives the narrative forward. The drama expertly weaves themes of perseverance, integrity, and the quest for justice, offering viewers a compelling and thought-provoking experience. With its strong character development and intricate plot, “Numbers” stands out as a unique and engaging addition to the K-drama landscape.
Total Episodes:- 12 | Running Episodes:- Complete