“Thirty but Seventeen” is a 2018 South Korean drama that tells the poignant story of Woo Seo-ri, a 17-year-old violin prodigy who falls into a coma after a tragic accident. She wakes up 13 years later, finding herself in the body of a 30-year-old woman but with the mind of a teenager. Seo-ri struggles to adjust to her new reality, grappling with the loss of her youth and the changes in her surroundings. Gong Woo-jin, a set designer who caused the accident, is burdened with guilt and has isolated himself emotionally. When their paths cross again, Woo-jin is initially unaware of Seo-ri’s identity. As they begin to interact, Woo-jin helps Seo-ri navigate her new life, and in the process, they both start to heal from their past traumas. The drama beautifully explores themes of second chances, personal growth, and the enduring power of love and forgiveness. Seo-ri’s journey from confusion to acceptance and Woo-jin’s transformation from a guilt-ridden recluse to a supportive friend create a heartwarming narrative that resonates with viewers.
Total Episodes:- 32 | Running Episodes:- Complete