In the near future, “SF8” revolves around people who dream of a perfect society. The anthology series tackles themes of artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, robots, games, fantasy, horror, superpowers, and disasters. Each episode is directed by a different filmmaker, resulting in a diverse exploration of these futuristic concepts. “The Prayer” (간호중): Directed by Min Kyu-dong, this episode is set in a care home where a mother has been in a coma for 10 years. Her exhausted caregiver relies on a nursing robot named Ho Joong. When faced with a life-or-death decision, the robot becomes distressed, blurring the line between machine and human emotions12. Cast: Lee Yoo-young, Ye Soo-jung, Yeom Hye-ran, Moon Sook. “Manxin” (만신): Directed by Roh Deok, this episode explores an AI fortunetelling service called Manxin. Sun-ho and Ga-ram, both with their own pain and secrets, search for its mysterious developer. What they discover challenges
Total Episodes:- 8 | Running Episodes:- Complete